O u r A p p r o a c h
Pelvic health awareness continues to grow. However, sometimes there can be some gaps in the information we receive. Kya strives to communicate clearly to make sure the client has a complete understanding of how their pelvic floor function can be optimized.
Pelvic health is a vulnerable area and we do our best to make sure that we create an environment that is calm, supportive and empowering. Assessments look at the pelvic floor and how it relates to the body as a whole. It is completed at the client's pace and at their comfort level. Personalized evidence-based treatment plans are developed to help you regain control.
Kya draws on a background in Pilates and respiratory health in order to assess and treat the root cause of pelvic limitation. At Victoria’s Pelvic Physio, we are here to help you achieve optimal pelvic health.
Our clinic is a small studio, which enables us to give 100% attention to you. It is just the Physiotherapist and the patient, so full privacy at all times. This is what makes us different from other clinics. Our goal is to provide the best clinical experience to make sure all your pelvic health needs are met and discussed. We are a specialized female pelvic floor Physiotherapy clinic and our goal remains to provide optimal care using evidence-based practices.
P r e & P o s t - N a t a l
P e l v i c H e a l t h

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